Friday, December 14, 2012

Winter Wonderland

We have had numerous days of snow and/or fog.  As I look out the window I see many images resembling Christmas Cards.  My guys remind me it might look nice from this angle; however, it is cold outside! 

Here are some photos of what we can see...

looking south from our mailbox

This photo is a macro of some snow.  After I loaded the pictures onto my camera and noticed that the little bit of sunlight we had was lighting one individual snowflake.

After our vehicle sat outside through a couple of snowy, windy days I got into the driver's seat and found this view!  I liked the layers and imperfect lines.

Frost on our kitchen window


  1. Those pictures are so COOL!! The frost on the kitchen window and the snowflake macro are just amazing!! :)

  2. You have been pretty frosty..I have been wishing for rain, ice and snow instead:(
