Monday, May 28, 2012

Another day, another rain

As stated in my last post, not much seeding is getting done thanks to the rain.  Since the last rain (last post), Brett covered the tillable acres on one quarter.  It was planted to Hard Red Spring Wheat (HRSW or just "wheat").  Now, early Sunday morning we got another 1.1 inches of rain.  Mark wonders if the rain gauge drain hole is just above the 1.1 inch mark since that is the amount of the last two rains!

The rain has allowed us the time needed to tend to the cattle.  The (Artificially Inseminating) is done for this season.  Christopher must have artificially bred nearly 100 head.  This process takes working with each female three times.  We do a lot of our breeding this way to help improve the genetics of our herd.  It is much cheaper than buying expensive bulls to do the same job, but is labor intensive compared to letting the bull just do his own business.  We hope to see many healthy AI calves next spring.


  1. A tough job finished for the season. Now on to the next. There is always something to do on a farm. Here's hoping lots of calves in your future.

  2. At least the rain delay allowed ya'll to get the breeding finished. :)
    Wish we would get some rain down here in Arizona!

  3. The breeding would have gotten done anyway, but just without so many helpers! Thank you Betty & Candy for stopping by. We have gotten another 1/4 inch of rain so still not seeding. UGH!!
