Thursday, April 16, 2015

What does prayer look like?

This link was on my Facebook page a couple of days ago.  It was sent to me from Rethink Church which I follow hoping for fresh ideas for our newly formed church.  Along with the link was the following:

" Prayer isn't just spoken words. Sometimes it is done walking, as we take a stroll through our neighborhood and say prayers over our neighbors and the surrounding schools and organizations. Other times, it is with our hands, as we touch every piece of fabric and thread while constructing a quilt.

What does prayer look like for you?

Some folks have replied that prayer looks like knitting or quilting or with kits put together to help those who are struggling. Well, for me - tonight especially - prayer looks like a 'gazillion' stars and northern lights along with the scent of a bit of rain. It is the grass that just perked up from that rain, the fresh little calf with its proud mommy, or the happy dog running along side the four wheeler with me.

See, I had never thought about prayer looking like anything. It was quite simply a quiet time to visit with our Lord to share my thanks and concerns. I did not think about it being prayer when I stopped 'to smell the roses'. You know, enjoy the smell of the rain or the freshly turned soil. OR, taking time to observe the birds on the water or the beaver swimming in the dam. That was just appreciating nature, well, know I will think of it as prayer.


  1. I have thought that prayers would look like rainbows or stars in the sky:)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a note.

  3. The Lord's Work comes in all kinds of disguises. Sometimes we are even unaware that we are lending a hand.
